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Here you can find a number of links to websites that contain useful information. It can be used as a starting point to gain some understanding of the difficulties that you are having with your mental


ADHD is usually diagnosed in childhood but can be missed. For some people symptoms persist into adulthood and continue to cause difficulties in navigating life’s challenges. The NHS website provides a general overview of ADHD


Anxiety is a common mental health problem and is responsive to psychological therapy. The Royal College of Psychiatrists provides good information about anxiety and treatment options.


Autism. Being autistic can pose a number of challenges in interacting with the world. The National Autistic Society has a wealth of information and resources for people on the spectrum.


Bereavement impacts us all. The charity Cruse provides a helpful resource on how to cope.


Bipolar Disorder is also known as Manic Depression. A general overview can be found here on the NHS website. 


Bullying is unfortunately common and can seriously impact a person’s mental wellbeing. The National Bullying Helpline is an informative resource.


Depression is a common mental health problem. The Royal College of Psychiatrists provides helpful general information on depression and recommended treatments available.


Hearing Voices is far more common than people realise. The Hearing Voices Network is an international organisation providing information and resources.


Low self-esteem is something that we can all experience at some point in our lives. Psychology Tools provides a good overview.


OCD can be distressing. The charity OCD UK provides useful information and resources and is run by people with lived experience of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


Panic Attacks can be very frightening. The charity MIND provides useful insights into panic and how to manage.


Paranoia and suspicious thoughts can make people feel very afraid. The MIND website has some helpful information


Psychosis is often misunderstood. The charity MIND provides useful information and resources. 


PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. You can find out more about PTSD from this MIND webpage.


Self harm is more common than you might think. The Mental Health Foundation has a really useful booklet you can download for free about it. 


Stress is a common experience for which the NHS provides some useful guidance.


Trauma can have long lasting impacts on people’s lives. The information provided by MIND can be helpful in making sense of how trauma is affecting you and the types of interventions that can be of help.

General Resources
Many of the websites already mentioned have information on a most mental health issues. Other useful links:


Young Minds

Rethink Mental Illness


Mental Health UK

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